How OxyGeneo® Feels and What to Expect During an Appointment
Some parts of the OxyGeneo® process may be somewhat similar to more traditional oxygen facials, except it’s much less stimulating to the skin and is a very fast procedure. It’s a VERY good thing that OxyGeneo® is less stimulating than other oxygen facials because it ends up feeling more like a massage, and the treatment itself takes about 30 minutes or less.
Below we’ll discuss how each step of the OxyGeneo® process feels and what to expect:
Step 1: The first part of the OxyGeneo® procedure is a simple cleansing, and this should feel very calming as the aesthetician prepares the client’s face for the deep exfoliation. This part of the process only takes a couple of minutes.
Step 2: The exfoliation step takes about six minutes to complete and entails the aesthetician painting the treatment gel (NeoBright or NeoRevive) all over the client’s facial skin. Then the hand piece will be fitted with a fresh, hygienic Capsugen, which the aesthetician will use to buff all over the client’s face creating a gentle foaming sensation.
You’ll end up feeling a very mild tingle during this part of the process, but it’s never uncomfortable or irritating. There is a chance that you’ll feel a little bit warm in the face and look somewhat pink during this stage, which is a result of the oxygenated blood surfacing.
Step 3: This is the dermal infusion step that takes about eight minutes in which the foam is washed off and more NeoBright or NeoRevive gel is applied. The aesthetician will then replace the Capsugen that’s on the hand piece with a massage tip, and then gently go over all facial areas to help ensure the absorption of the gel.
This part of the process is many times found to be somewhat more relaxing than step 2 because there isn’t any kind of tingling or bubbling feelings.
Step 4: The last part of the OxyGeneo® process is a hand massage in which the remaining gel is gently rubbed on the client’s face to ensure all of it gets absorbed.
Then you’ll be handed a mirror so you can see your new glow!