Photo Facial Rejuvenation
Some of us have noticed new, unsightly spots on our skin as a result of too many fun, carefree, sunscreen-free days in the sun. Makeup may cover up the spots a bit, but we know they’re still there. Reminders that we maybe haven’t taken as good care of our skin as we should have.
Some of us live with rosacea on our faces. These patches of red skin, maybe bumps, maybe little red veins, can make us feel self-conscious. Perhaps we try to hide behind sunglasses or coat collars, or under the brim of a hat.
Some of us look in the mirror and find it difficult to look past what seem to be GIGANTIC skin pores staring right back at us. We can’t focus on the beauty of our skin when we are so distracted by these pores that just don’t want to blend into our skin.
We don’t want to cringe or shrink back when we look at ourselves in the mirror. We don’t want to be out in public, around other people, and be constantly wondering if other people notice the issues with our skin the way we do. We don’t want to decide to say no to invitations out with friends and family instead of saying yes, because we fear what feels like judgmental side glances from people.
What matters is not how other people feel about our appearance, but how WE feel about our appearance. How uneven pigmentation and other issues on our faces affect our self-confidence. We think of ourselves a certain way, and when what we see in the mirror doesn’t reflect what we see as our true selves, it feels…off. Perhaps a little disheartening.
We are tired of trying every facial product on the market to cover these issues up. We know they will show back up every night when we wash the makeup off our faces. We want them to be GONE.
We have discovered a solution. Photo facial rejuvenation addresses these issues and works within just a few weeks time to lighten or eliminate these issues. We are ready for a big change, a step toward a new normal, a realignment of how we look on the outside with how we feel on the inside.
When we are out in public, meeting new people, or at a business meeting with clients, or spending time with people we know and love, we don’t want to be constantly, painfully aware that the people looking at us are trying so hard to pretend like they don’t see what is on our faces. We want to know, for certain, that they see us.